Cache Valley weather needs a mood stabilizer. One day it promises that we’ll have warm sunshine and then it wakes up and say, “Psych! Fooled ya!” and dumps all miserable slushy snow on us! So while the weather is making up it’s mind you can take this set and quickly adjust it. Jeans and a heavier cardigan or sweater for cooler weather and shorts/capri pants with light shirts for those, sadly, occasional warm and sunny days. Plus, reds and grays are so flattering together and I always feel like gray gets the short end of the stick. But secretly it’s one of my favorite colors…after black which causes an argument in my house but that’s for another post. P.S Am I the only one who always wants to spell gray grey? Someone has been watching too much Grey’s Anatomy!
Archive for March, 2010
Fashion Friday
I see with my little eye
March 23rd, 2010Loves of my life wouldn’t be complete if I didn’t add photography on that list! I’ve grown so much since I’ve picked up that camera. I’ve discovered new joys and overcome a lot of fears. It’s exactly what I’ve been searching for my entire life!
P.S. Just clarifying that I am not including myself as a love of my life, although I was having a fabulous hair day that fine day…
Fashion Friday
March 19th, 2010This is a combination that I think lots of families can pull off. It’s not too girly or too masculine because you can let the girls wear the wine or purple tones while the guys can stick to kelly greens and navy blues. I also really like this set because it can be used year round. It’s not an obvious spring or fall choice. If it’s for fall or winter stick with jeans or dark slacks. Come spring/summer you can cool it down with jean capri pants or jean skirts with cute strappy sandals!